Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Draconian instruction rationalised

ECI has revised the guidelines for "How to Fill the Form-6",wherein a note had been appended below itemno. 5, Date of birth (with documentary proof) which was as follows "N.B. In the case of applicants born on or after 26.01.1989, only birth certificate issued by the municipal authorities or district office of the Registrar of Birth and Deaths is acceptable"
As per memo 23/2010/ERS dated 23rd June, 2010, the ECI clarifies that "the note below item No.5, referred to above, would apply only to those who are not in a position to produce other recognized documentary evidence of date of Birth, for example, the School Leaving Certificate, Passport etc. That is to say that if someone born on or after 26.01.1989, produces any documentary evidence issued by any other Government Agency in which the date of birth is mntioned after due verification or a certificate of date of birth issued by the School (Govt. / recognized) last attended or any other recognized educational institutions, in such cases the applicant should not be insisted upon to produce birth certificate from local authority.
It is also clarified that attested copies of birth certificate should be accepted and production ofcertificate in original may not be insisted."

The instructions to be percolated among the AEROs, AAEROs,BLOs and DOs for necessary action from their end. The letter of the ECI has been forwarded to all concerned.

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