Monday, August 9, 2010

Few points on manuscript writing

A. This time during writing of manuscripts a must do is the following:
1. Name and linkage relation name to be in bilingual format, else the software will fail to register the electors.
2. In manuscript, indicate the applicants in forms 6, 8, 8a who have given a photo pasted to their application form. This time it is mandatory.
3. For deletion, modification manuscripts indication of either by "form7 / form 8" or "suo moto" is a must.
4. Serial no. of elector must be the NEW sl no. as per the draft electoral roll.
B. The EPIC generation software necessiates that this time during this roll entry phase EPIC will be generated and issued for only the fresh electors / old electors who have no EPIC no. written beside their name in the electoral roll.
Correction modification of old EPIC card will be possible only during the regular EPIC program when it will be so notified by the CEO office.
Therefore, BDOs may sort out the photo bearing Accepted form 6 which have no /blank entry against the head " EPIC no of the elector if already issued" in 2nd page of the form 6.
These form 6 must be sent to the District Election office for scanning against proper documentation only after writing of manuscripts for these parts are over. This is only to speed up the scanning and reduce piled up work load at a later phase.

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